Monday, December 05, 2005


I'm usually pretty easy-going. Recently though, a few events have gotten my goat.

I swear I'm not a wedding crasher
Inviting me without a date to your wedding. That's ok when you are 23 and weddings are all about getting loaded and hooking up with the groom's best man's cousin's brother. But not at all when it is 6 years later, there are no single men to speak of and hangovers take 3 days of recovery time.

And not a stalker either
Not returning the 4 phone calls I left after my day-long interview with you and your company. You flew me out. You paid for the flight, hotel, food, taxi. I met with 8 people over the course of 8 hours. And you don't have the courtesy to even give me a graceful thumbs down. Twisted asses.

... I guess, unfortunately for you (or fortunately for me), I don't have any more complaints for this particular blog tonight. Stay tuned for inconsiderate updates...

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