Monday, May 21, 2007

7 Hill of Kirkland

Today I did possibly the hardest ride of my life - the 7 Hills of Kirkland. And, I didn't even finish it. Five was the magic number on the rainiest day here in the last 2 months. First, there was Market Hill. I rode up it fast, it was a breeze. Natala was behind me and we were flying. That is, until we came to Juanita - the first point in the ride when I actually thought I might die. I got that heavy, hurtful feeling in my chest, like I really shouldn't be working this hard. I don't train for triathalons or any race for that matter. I like leisurely exercising (although I have to say that pushing it to the limit is totally exhilerating).

Third was Seminary Hill. I actually didn't really notice the climb because it was short and gradual. But then, then there was Norway. Not only was it long, but it was steep. And when I thought I'd arrived at the summit, that was only a teaser. Because I had another mile to go, with practically a straight vertical incline. At this point, yes, I really thought I was going to die. And the pinnacle of the climb was a lone jogger, who passed me about halfway up. That means I was likely going less than 6MPH. UGGH!

My last hill was Knightsbridge (or is that a tube stop in London?). I had to walk at this point and decided that the final two hills were not in the cards today. Afterwards, I found a cozy spot by the fire and waited for Natala, hard core athlete that she is, to finish her ride and Kelly, friend extraordinaire, to pick me up.

So will I do it again... probably. I can't turn down a challenge. Next time though, I'm doing the 6th Hill.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Toberator

He's quite possible the smartest dog ever. Check out these vids.

Toby Tricks 1

Toby Tricks 2

Toby & Cuba Wrestle to Hip-Hop

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Blind Date

Ok, so tonight I had probably the 3rd blind date of my life. He was a nice guy, recommended by my dear friend Match, but the chemistry just wasn't there.

A couple things came to light for me while spending an hour and fifteen minutes at Cafe Ladro this evening. First, you can't predict, write down, evaluate, or anticipate chemistry before you meet someone in person. You can't assume, want or beg for chemistry to happen. And you can't mistake a nice smile, good job, common chivalry or picking up the bill for chemistry.

Second, I'm totally closed off to people without relevance. I met this guy and he had no context, no relevance, to my life. Yea, I liked his resume, but that's irrelevant. There are a lot of guys out there who fit the bill for the must have's and must not have's. Relevance to my life is supreme. Kind of like when you do a search... if it's not relevant to your intent, then it is useless. Every single person I've ever dated I met through a friend, school, work, the name game, the neighborhood, an unlucky cancelled flight, a trip, a shared tent... the list goes on. We made it past date one, two and three because our relationship was relevant independantly to each of our lives.

The guy tonight didn't have a chance even before I ordered my peppermint tea. It's too bad because he's a nice guy and if I got to know him a little better, I would probably set him up with one of my friends. Because in that case, he would be completely relevant.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The essence of Toby

His personality stole my heart. His eyes make me smile. His affection continues to grow. I love Toby.

I never knew a dog could bring so much joy to my life. My dog is lovey and smart, protects like a doberman and cuddles like a bear. He's my man of the moment.

Yes, he's wearing a lampshade, post-neutering back in March.
More to come on Toby in the future. Cheers.